Friday, March 14, 2008

Hey guys! So I've decided that I am going to start writing an updated bulletin every month or so for all of our friends and family. For everyone that wants to know what’s going on in the crazy lives of our little family.

So because I didn't start this until now, I'll catch you up for the last 2 months! On Jan. 7th Jaylen was admitted to the I.C.U. at Timponogas Hospital for a bacterial infection that he had in his blood. I was pretty tramatic for John and I. It really shook us up, but in the end, was a pretty humbling experience. He had a fever of 102.5 and rising. So they did a spinal tap to check for spinal meningitis. It was clear so they put the I.V. in and started a 3 day anti-biotic treatment. He showed steady improvement and his fever got lower and lower. He was released when his anti-biotic treatment was through and his vitals were good. We are so grateful that he is okay and well now.

Jaylen continues to get cuter and cuter everyday! He is starting to realize that his hands and arms are all connected to his little body and HE controls them! He has always been a binky baby, but with this newfound discovery of his hands, he frequently attempts to stick his entire fist into his mouth. We just laugh at him. He is also starting to giggle at everything. He likes funny faces, which isn’t too hard for us to make. So it works out. He was born with a massive amount of dark hair just like his daddy, but it is finally falling out. He officially has the bald spot on the back of his head from rubbing his head back and forth on the ground! We think it’s adorable. We just love him more than ever and we are so lucky to have such a happy baby!

John is loving his new job. His boss has been an amazing source of support and encouragement. John is so glad that he has finally found a job that applies to his degree, and feels really lucky that he actually likes what he does! John has been writing a lot. He wrote me a song that he played for me on his guitar. (He’s my little sweetheart!) He is also working on a screenplay inspired by his brother’s life.

I have been busy, busy, busy with baby. John has been so good about recognizing when I need a brake and takes over when he gets home from work. I just started working nights at my previous job to earn us some extra money. It has been really nice to be able to “go somewhere” after being home all day. : ) Well that’s just about everything that we have been up to. I will keep this bulletin updated as life happens! We love you all…


Unknown said...

I saw that you had this on your myspace page, FUN!! I love blogs so much. They are a lot of fun and such a great way to keep up with everyone. :)

I am glad things are going great with your family. I have a blog too if you wanna check it out its, I would love to hear from you! Also, we are expecting! We are so excited!!

Balser said...

Hey Chelsea! It's April Barrett! (If I have the wrong Chelsea and John Perkins I am sorry and disreguard this comment!) I just found your website from Aubrey's! How do you know Aubrey? I danced with her in high school. I hope you are doing well! I am glad your baby is doing better! We were actually in Germany for a few months (for military) and we just got back. Call me, comment on my blog, or just stop by sometime okay! We'll play-the girls LOVE babies! Miss ya! April 891-0846

Photo By Emilie said...

Thanks so much for entering to win one of my photo shoots on giveawaytoday. Good Luck!!
Be sure to check out my website

Unknown said...

So you better start updating this thing!! I miss hearing about you guys :)